ATE - Troubleshooting

If you receive the following message, an Administrator needs to set-up the Transaction e-mailing preferences for that record type:

Email Not Sent

  1. Ensure the Appropriate email field has been entered.
  2. Check the Email Preferences on the Customer record and ensure that the preference is ticked per transaction type.
  3. Check the Email Status field and ensure it is ‘To Send’
  4. If the standard Netsuite shipping email is also being sent, then ensure that Netsuite Shipping Advice is turned off under Account Preferences > Order Management.

Not all attachments are sent.

NetSuite has a Limit of 5mb per email. The app will only add files up to that limit.

Field on forms

The custom email fields may not appear on customise forms. To update the field on the forms go to:

  1. Customisation > Lists records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields
  2. Select Email Status
  3. Select the button ‘Apply to Forms
  4. Select the forms that you want to test on.

This is the same process for the email fields deployed as part of this bundle.

If after the trial you do not wish to use the SuiteApp it is necessary to uninstall the SuiteApp.

Unable to Select Bulk Emails to Send

This may occur on any transaction type where you are unable to select emails to send in bulk mode.

Note: Administrator access will be required to troubleshoot this issue.

Type "ATE Email Schedule Status" in the global search menu. This will allow you to navigate to the custom record ATE Email Schedule Status. Look for the transaction type you are having problems with. In this example, statement charge email process is currently has status "In Progress". Emails cannot be selected manually while the process has this status.

Current status "In Progress" can be manually changed to "Ready" for this process. This will allow the select of emails again for bulk email mode.

Updating the Bundle

This bundle is managed and will be updated as required.

Uninstalling the Bundle

Select Set-up / Customisation / Installed Bundles/ List

Select Uninstall next the Custom e-mailing SuiteApp

Uninstalling this bundle should generally follow the steps provided in the NetSuite Help Center topic Uninstalling Bundles into Your NetSuite Account. The capabilities of SuiteBundler may change over time; review this help topic to verify the current behaviour of uninstalling bundles.