Automated Transaction Email

Version: 2.1.0

Date: 09 Sep 2019


Bundle Purpose

The purpose of this bundle is to provide an easy way to send different transactions to specific and additional email addresses automatically. You can set the field on the customer or supplier record to use and additionally included contacts that will receive copies of the transactions. You can set different email templates per transaction, and optionally add terms and conditions or marketing materials as attachments that will be added to the emails. This suiteapp supports multiple website functionality, and NetSuite OneWorld.

Guidelines for Use

When this SuiteBundle is deployed, all the relevant scripts are in released and available to all users. This can be modified as desired by going to Customisation > Scripts >Scripts .

The main set-up menu is un Set-up > Transaction E-mails > Preferences.

Release Notes

New Features in Version 2.1.0

  • Support for Advanced Projects
  • Changing of Email Status to Sublist

New Features in Version 2017.1.1.0

  • Support of BCC field on each transaction preference when sending emails
  • Support for tracking of Bounced emails using Netsuite's new email sending report feature.
  • Bug fix for Item Fulfillment Packing slip
  • Improvements in performance.

Current version 1.7.11 contains minor bug fixes.

New Features in Version 1.7.9

  • Asynchronous workflows are now used to improve performance on the front end.
  • Inclusion of Statements as an option.
  • Improved performance one Bulk Sending process for Statements and Transactions.
  • Changing of wording on Email Preferences.
  • Support for Legacy email templates to end.

Asynchronous Workflows

In order to improve performance on the UI, we have taken advantage of Netsuite's Workflow module to manage the sending of emails. This means that the email is sent to a queue to be sent. This means that the Email Status field is not immediately changed to Sent. This process takes a short time to update. 


You can now send Statements, using the same process, so that you can use a customise an email template, and copy in additional contacts.

Wording Change

The SENT FROM EMAIL PREFERENCE has been changed to the following options:

  • Send from an Employee Email - uses the e-mail from field.
  • Send from the Current User - sends from the current user.

Note that the e-mail from  field is now mandatory. When the Email preference is set to Send from the Current User, and the email is sent from a non- employee centre, the email will be sent from this address.